The ocean wraps around Ka`u's Coast along 80 miles of the least inhabited shoreline in Hawai`i. Excellent fishing grounds, surfing spots, camping and places just to get away and "holo holo" with friends and family are the trademarks of Ka`u. While Volcanoes National Park recently expanded to include lands above the shore, the coast is vulnerable to development and a community movement is attempting to protect the coastal lands. To help, circulate SAVING KA`U'S COAST and contact the following public officials:

SENATOR DAN INOUYE visited Ka`u and told the people: "As the urban sprawl continues to spread beyond O`ahu and into our Neighbor Islands, I think all of us will agree that we must be very vigilant in setting aside that which must be protected." He vowed to help add coastal Ka`u lands to Volcanoes National Park, and the National Park Service is doing a study on valuable environmental, cultural and geological resources of the shoreline. Contact him at: (202) 224-3934 or (808) 935-0844.

Sen. Dan Inouye
722 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Sen. Dan Inouye
101 Aupuni St. Room 205
Hilo, HI 96720

CONGRESSMAN ED CASE: "We are in a race to preserve and protect the special places of Hawai`i, whether it is on our land or in our oceans." He spoke these words at the dedication of the Kahuku expansion of Volcanoes National Park. In 2005, he directed the National Park Service to conduct a preliminary study on making the Ka`u Coast a National Seashore or other federally protected area. Contact him at:
(202) 225-4987 or (808) 935-5756.

Congressman Ed Case
128 Cannon House Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515

Congressman Ed Case
5104 Prince Kuhio Fed. Bldg
Honolulu, HI 96850

SAVING KA`U'S COAST filmmaking project can be reached at